Freedom News

Statement of international solidarity with the anarchist movement in Greece

Statement of international solidarity with the anarchist movement in Greece

The promising people’s revolts in Ecuador and Chile, the vigorous resistance in revolutionary Rojava, the continuing mobilizations in Greece, France, Turkey, Palestine, the small and bigger acts of resistance all over the world give us hope and strength and demonstrate that the enemy might be strong but is not invulnerable. Let’s intensify and spread the combative and organized struggle for Social Revolution, for Anarchy!

The 11th Congress of the IFA

The 11th Congress of the IFA

The end of last month saw the 11th Congress of the International of Anarchist Federations, which co-ordinates social anarchist organisations across 13 different national and language regions in three continents — we reproduce reports from the gathering below. Background to the IFA Congress The following is adapted from an article which first appeared in Italian