Freedom News

Anarkismo Network: Statement of the general meeting

European sections of the platformist international have issued a joint declaration on the state of the movement following last month’s gathering in Genoa. Launched in 2005, Anarkismo consists of groups which agree with an editorial statement and tends to promote organised engagement with existing mass movements such as large trade unions, in an attempt to push them

Brazil: Neoliberal drift and repression of popular movements

José Luis Carretero Miramar writes on recent Brazilian state crackdowns against anarchists amid increasing fascist confidence, and how social movements are rising to meet it. The social and political situation in Brazil is increasingly compromised. Since Michel Temer’s ascent to power through an institutional and palatial coup the main BRICS representative in Latin America has

The Way Forward for South Africa: Class Struggle and Anarchism

In this article, published online by Zabalaza Anarchist-Communist Federation, Nkululeko Khubisa of the Tokologo African Anarchist Collective consisely considers the current situation in South Africa. South Africa is in a mess. That is clear, more than 20 years since the end of apartheid. We have won many things. It was our struggle that beat apartheid laws and

Book extract: Deep Ecology and Anarchism

Marking the run-up to the launch of deep ecology and anarchism at this year’s London Anarchist Bookfair on October 28th, below is the latter part of an essay by Robert Hart, a founding mover of the forest gardening and permaculture movements. The main cause of the ecological crisis is not the “population explosion,” as many

Anarchists and admin

One day, after a successful revolution, in that bit of political theory where Marxism tends towards anarchism, the State will wither away and we will no longer have the government of people but the administration of things. Public administration would become concerned with technical issues rather than the coercion implied by laws. I think this

Teaching freedom: Thoughts on an anarchist education

Nearly everyone from across the political spectrum can agree that our current public education system in america is not ideal. Those on the statist left tend to fear that public education is under attack by private corporations and is completely underfunded. More progressive leftists go so far as to not only advocate for more funding

Book Review: Left of the Left — my memories of Sam Dolgoff

by Anatole Dolgoff ISBN: 978-1-84935-248-2 PP: 400 Publisher: AK Press, 2016 £17 Sam Dolgoff was an American anarchist and wobbly (member of the Industrial Workers of the World). He’s an important figure, active for almost seven decades (including ones where anarchism was supposed to have ‘died out’!) Anatole Dolgoff is the youngest son of Sam and Esther Dolgoff,

Towards a timeline of anarchism in Britain

In his 1978 book Slow Burning Fuse, which Freedom republished in 2014 and will be reprinting at this year’s London Anarchist Bookfair with full index, historian John Quail put together a unique timeline covering the period 1880-1930, picking out some of the key moments in the history of the British anarchist movement. A similar timeline