By the time Freedom‘s September issue hit the streets in 1914 the disaster that was to become known as World War One was already underway, and anarchists found themselves shouting sanity into a world that no longer wanted to listen ~ Rob Ray ~ The edition is a curious beast, mixing a thunderous front page
Tag: Freedom history
On interventionism: Considering No War But the Class War
The war in Ukraine has raised a sometimes heated discussion on one of socialism’s most potent slogans: No War But The Class War. The general political idea (deserters and mutineers having always existed), is that the working class should not fight and die for the schemes of the rich and the frothing delusions of nationalism.
Freedom Press co-opted by … the Hilton?
This story is so utterly ridiculous that when we heard it yesterday we all initially thought it was an April Fools. Freedom Press has, admittedly, got an interesting sort of history and some nice old-timey aesthetics – we’ve been around for a long time after all, selling anarchist books and newspapers. There’s photos of Freedom
At the anarchist bookfair: Freedom’s new site, books, journal and archive!
Many regular Freedom readers will be aware that the last few years have been tumultuous at the Press, with the near-catastrophic fire in 2013, closing the paper as a regular production in 2014, the reorganising of our publishing enterprise in 2015, a survey in 2016 which suggested we would need to raise a whopping £40,000
Book Extract: The Battle of Ham Run and Bloody Sunday, 1887
130 years ago, the unions were starting their long ascent into what would become the militant highs of the Great Unrest. The British anarchists were coming into their own with Freedom Newspaper established just a year before and the rise of the libertarian-leaning Socialist League in opposition to the reformist Social Democrat Federation (SDF). In