Freedom News

D I Why?: Because we gotta!

As Ruth Kinna reminded us lately in issue 11 of Dope magazine, John Lydon of the Sex Pistols has openly confessed that he was never an anarchist. And nobody anywhere was actually surprised. Anarchy — like sex, revolution and rock ‘n’ roll — sells. The Malcolm McLaren Money Machine had very little to do with

Stuart Christie: Obituaries

The following article aims to act as a roundup of some of the outpouring of tributes which have followed Christie’s death after a struggle with lung cancer. It is a notable aspect of the impact of Stuart Christie’s life that for all the hatred and fear he inspired in the minds of the ruling classes

Interview: Mutual aid in Lebanon in the wake of disaster

As riots threaten to topple government control in the wake of the Beirut explosion Freedom talks to a Lebanese radical who is witnessing another side of the event – society-wide, grassroots solidarity that has inspired them to become an anarchist. — The blast which destroyed Beirut’s docks and devastated the city on August 4th has

“Blackness anarchises anarchism” – Marquis Bey on the theory of Black anarchism

To coincide with the release of their new book with AK Press , Anarcho-Blackness: Notes Towards a Black Anarchism, Marquis Bey sits down with Chuck Mertz from This is Hell to discuss the conceptual and historical synergies of anarchism and Blackness. In this provocative and wide ranging conversation, Bey goes beyond a critique of anarchism’s

Interview: Ruth Kinna

Freedom spoke to Ruth Kinna, author of numerous books on anarchism about the origins and key concepts of anarchism. What do you find most attractive about anarchism? I like the starting point. Anarchists usually start with a critique of injustice and an assumption of social imperfection. I would say that the anarchist project is to

Anarchist farm: a revolutionary feast

Food — or the potential lack of it — has played on a lot of people’s minds lately. The government’s mixed-messages, misinformation and pointless power-play with regard to the coronavirus pandemic led to fear-induced panic-buying which highlighted the weakness of ‘just in time’ supply chains; which are, of course, designed to maximise profit rather than