Freedom News

Sodexo offices occupied following infant death in HMP Bronzefield

This morning members of Community Action on Prison Expansion occupied the London office of Sodexo, the company which runs HMP Bronzefield, where a new-born baby tragically died after their mother was left to give birth alone in her cell on 27th September. Whilst the government has announced it will conduct investigations into the violent neglect

Say No To Transphobia Brighton! A report on protest against WPUK

On Monday 23rd September 2019 the transphobic hate group WPUK (“Woman’s” Place UK) returned to Brighton to attempt to host another meeting under the cover of being a fringe event for the Labour Party Conference. WPUK claim to be a “feminist” group for the furthering of “women’s” rights. Their views are essentialist, discriminatory, and hateful.

Activism at the grassroots: Essex

In an age of rampant neoliberalism, society is ever more fractured and polarised. Precarious employment conditions are dumping more people on zero-hours and short term contracts. Solidarity in the workplace is under attack. An increase in buy to let and homes of multiple occupation means community solidarity in our neighbourhoods is crumbling as people move

Climate is class war — what next for green activism?

An alliance of non-hierarchical groups formed over the last few months, the Green Anticapitalist Front is attempting to provide a link between the extensive anarchist experience of green direct action and the latest wave of climate change activism. Below, the group outlines its background and ideas for future activity. The ideas behind the Green Anticapitalist

Protesters occupy HMP Wellingborough construction site

Protesters occupied the construction site of HMP Wellingborough for 6 hours on Friday, successfully halting its work. The work is conducted by a construction, services and property group Kier. The direct action took place during a demonstration against the HMP Wellingborough development, which saw anti-prison expansion activists from across the country gathering to oppose the

Protesters target Kier due to profit from the construction of new mega-prisons across the UK

Last Friday afternoon, protestors occupied the lobby of Kier; the company contracted to build a new mega-prison in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire Prison abolitionist protest group, Community Action on Prison Expansion (CAPE), is turning attention to the private companies set to profit from increased rates of incarceration amidst the biggest prison expansion project in generations. They are

Statement to announce London Bookfair 2020

We’re excited to announce that an Anarchist bookfair will be returning to London in October 2020. This event is being organised by a new collective of individuals from across London and the UK. The composition of the organising collectives behind the various Anarchist bookfairs in London has changed many times over the years and we

London callout: noise demo in solidarity with Barcelona’s war on gentrification

On Monday 8th July at 8.30am, activists will gather in front of Blackstone offices at 40 Berkley Square in London W1 J5AL for a noise demo to show solidarity with Barcelona’s residents fighting against gentrification. Blackstone, a New York based multinational private equity firm and the World’s largest alternative investment company*, is the biggest property