Freedom News

Notes from the US

Law === Towards the middle of February the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court ordered judges to ignore a federal court ruling allowing same-sex marriages. Roy Moore sent a memo to courts across the state saying ‘…no judge or official shall issue or recognise a marriage license that is inconsistent with the Alabama Constitution

A Christmas fundraising drive from Corporate Watch

Six-figure Christmas bonus? Why not let some ‘trickle down’ to Corporate Watch? 😉 For nearly 20 years Corporate Watch has supported people struggling against corporations and capitalism by providing information for action: from campaigners against the fracking companies plundering the countryside to those resisting the corporations profiting from imprisonment of migrants. We provide all our

Notes From America: November

Louis Further rounds up news from the USA for the months of October and November.   Racism Kalief Browder was a 16-year-old high school student from the Bronx when he was accused of stealing a Rucksack by a mistaken witness driving around in the back of a New York Police Department police patrol car. Although

Freedom, September 2013

September 2013 issue of Freedom The September 2013 issue is now out and available either directly from Freedom Bookshop or from other good radical bookshops or social centres. Stockists: » Freedom Bookshop, London » Housmans bookshop, London » LARC, London » 56a Infoshop, London » Newham Bookshop, London » Pogo Cafe, London » Rough Trade, east London » Rough Trade, west London » Whitechapel Art Gallery,

Freedom, August 2013

August 2013 issue of Freedom The August 2013 issue is now out and available either directly from Freedom Bookshop or from other good radical bookshops or social centres. Stockists: » Freedom Bookshop, London » Housmans bookshop, London » LARC, London » 56a Infoshop, London » Newham Bookshop, London » Pogo Cafe, London » Rough Trade, east London » Rough Trade, west London » Whitechapel Art Gallery,

Freedom, July 2012

July 2012 issue of Freedom The July 2012 issue is now out and available either directly from Freedom Bookshop or from other good radical bookshops or social centres. Stockists: » Freedom Bookshop, London » Housmans bookshop, London » LARC, London » 56a Infoshop, London » Newham Bookshop, London » Pogo Cafe, London » Rough Trade, east London » Rough Trade, west London » Whitechapel Art Gallery,