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A Christmas fundraising drive from Corporate Watch

Six-figure Christmas bonus? Why not let some ‘trickle down’ to Corporate Watch? 😉

For nearly 20 years Corporate Watch has supported people struggling against corporations and capitalism by providing information for action: from campaigners against the fracking companies plundering the countryside to those resisting the corporations profiting from imprisonment of migrants. We provide all our research for free online and produce DIY tools so people can carry out their own research.

We don’t accept corporate or state money, so Corporate Watch depends on funding from our subscribers, the generosity of individual donors and a handful of independent trusts. In order to continue with our work we need your support! You can help Corporate Watch by making a one off donation or becoming a ‘Friend of Corporate Watch’ by setting up a regular subscription.

And while you’re at it, it would be great if you could help spread the word by forwarding this message to email lists, social media etc.  Twitter: Facebook:

Even better, get in touch with five friends and try and convince them to become Friends of Corporate Watch.
 Thank you for your support!

The Corporate Watch Cooperative

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