Freedom News

The Freedom 2018 roundup

Over the last year Freedom News has covered, and in many cases broken, hundreds of stories, run a wide range of feature and analysis pieces and backed anarchist activity worldwide — below is just some of the news from around Britain that we picked up. Happy New Year everyone! Anti-fascism The rise of the alt-right

Fighting for the green

A radical network of environmental activism, Earth First! runs two annual major events in Britain, the Winter Moot in the early part of the year and a Summer gathering, taking place this year on August 15th-20th in Sussex. Below, an organiser with the gathering writes on EF!s ethos, beginnings and why the gatherings have been

Family on trial over Lancashire anti-frack protests

Seven people, including three generations of the same family, are in court today charged with “obstructing the highway”  during anti-fracking protests near Blackpool last year. As the trial got underway supporting campaign Reclaim The Power reported a strong showing of solidarity at Preston Magistrates Court. The seven were part of last July’s Rolling Resistance month