Freedom News

Palestine Action expose the UN on ‘Social Justice’ Day for buying Israel’s killer drones

Palestine Action have marked the United Nation’s ‘World Day of Social Justice’ with an action calling out the UN’s hypocrisy: using a banner drop over Westminster Bridge, lighting smoke flares, and delivering a speech stating that UN must cease its procurement of Israeli military drones. The Activists then marched to the United Nations Green, home

‘Solidarity Collectives’ fight Russian imperialism

“Solidarity Collectives” (former “Operation Solidarity”) is an anti-authoritarian volunteer network formed before the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine to help comrades on the front line and civilians affected by the war. “Collectives” isn’t merely a name but the essence of our initiative which was joined by various organizations and groups from Ukraine, Germany, Poland, France,

An anti-fascist message from the shadows of Central and Eastern Europe

In this long read Czech Antifa explain their perspective on the Ukrainian conflict, critique primarily Western logics surrounding much of the debate which has emerged, and address what they see as forms of colonial hangover which have hamstrung responses to Russian imperialism. Russian imperialism brings fascism and genocide, disguised in the language of anti-fascism, to