Freedom News

Poland: Striking refugee centre cleaners win

Cleaners at a refugee centre near Warsaw have scored a major victory after bosses agreed to all their demands over contracts and working rights. The workers were employed at Debak refugee center through a firm called Sadar but not all of them had proper contracts and thus did not receive proper vacation, sick pay or

Refugee crisis: three rescue boats return to Mediterranean

Open Arms, Mediterranea, and Sea-Watch 3 will return to sea to continue their search-and-rescue operations, the three NGO rescue ships announced. In the absence of the European Union, these civilian organizations — from Spain, Italy, and Germany, respectively — will continue their vital lifesaving mission in the deadly waters of the Mediterranean. Crucially, they will also there to bear

Refugee crisis: three women found dead in Greece

Three women attempting to reach Europe were found dead with their necks slashed close to the border of Turkey and Greece. The bodies of the women were discovered near the Greek village Pragi on Wednesday by a local farmer. The women were found 50 metres from the River Evros which extends along the land border

Violent robberies and deportations of refugees in Greece’s Evros region

CW: graphic images and descriptions of violence and sexual assault. “When my 20-year-old son arrived in Greece, instead of being able to claim asylum, he was arrested by police, he had with him our family’s savings, 7,000 euros, and his Syrian passport — all were stolen from him. He was so badly beaten — he was hospitalised for a

Refugee crisis: pushbacks from Slovenia

In their recently published reports, Slovenian organizations Amnesty International Slovenia and Legal Information Center for NGOs , confirm that since June 2018 refugees entering Slovenia are being systematically pushed back to Croatia and from there to Bosnia. People’s right to asylum is being systematically obstructed. These organizations conducted almost 100 interviews at the end of June

Dijon: large refugee squat evicted

Yesterday early morning French police, with assistance from border police evicted the XXL Squat in Dijon, where about hundred asylum seekers lived. During the eviction, twenty-four people were detained by the border police. The eviction was enforced despite of the ongoing negotiations with the property owner. The building have been occupied  since August 2016. Apart