Freedom News

Greece: Elleniko refugee camp comes out on hunger strike

A majority of the adults being held at Elleniko II refugee camp in the former Athens National Airport are refusing to eat in protest against conditions at the site — and confronted Minister of Migration Mouzoulas earlier today, according to migrant support network infomobile. More camps at nearby former Olympic buildings, including the baseball and hockey stadiums, are

Greece: Anarchists call for solidarity as deaths mount at refugee camps

In this statement originally posted to the website of anarcho-syndicalist organisation Rocinante on February 2nd, the Greek group is calling for solidarity with refugees who have been dying at camps on the border with Turkey. A barbarity against human existence itself is evolving in Greece. A serial crime, brought about by the racist policies of the Greek

Neo-Fascism: A symptom, not the disease

Deep-seated racism and xenophobia persist within the white majority, mirroring the fundamentalism and hatred cultivated among marginalised communities — The burgeoning neo-fascism is just a symptom, not the disease itself. This echoes all historical fascist waves, that emerged in the new era that started with the colonial genocides, the consequent ‘enlightenment’ and the industrial revolution.