Freedom News

The #grantsnotdebt demonstration shows a way forward for the free education movement

Since the wrecking of Millbank in 2010 the free education movement has seen few instances of struggle, resistance and action. Protests such as Cops off Campus and the occupations of universities like Birmingham and the London School of Economics have been encouraging but ultimately these events either capitalised on a wave of general outrage from

Could the occupation of London Metropolitan signal the rise of a working-class student’s movement?

In Cameron’s adventurous second term, the privatisation of culture has continued on a dramatic scale. Everywhere cultural avenues for poor people are severed. Public museums, art galleries and libraries, particularly those in predominantly working-class Labour boroughs, have had their funding cut. As they demolish our estates to make for upmarket flats, centres of working-class culture

Students, Class and Wildcat Strikes: Why free education must have a basis in working-class struggle

Reaching its second day on Friday, the wildcat strike and picket at the School of Oriental and African Studies was successful in putting further pressure on management to lift the suspension of union representative Sandy Nicoll. The suspension comes in response to Nicoll’s alleged support for the occupation there and its resilience against increasing repression