Freedom News

Protests as austerity rises in Dundee

Protests as austerity rises in Dundee

Dundee Against Austerity joined a protest picket line at Kings Cross Hospital yesterday against a wide range of austerity cuts which have been announced by both the local council and Tayside Health Board, which recently announced it had accrued a major budget deficit. The group reported: DAA introduced itself by handing out our leaflets and

Could the occupation of London Metropolitan signal the rise of a working-class student’s movement?

Could the occupation of London Metropolitan signal the rise of a working-class student’s movement?

In Cameron’s adventurous second term, the privatisation of culture has continued on a dramatic scale. Everywhere cultural avenues for poor people are severed. Public museums, art galleries and libraries, particularly those in predominantly working-class Labour boroughs, have had their funding cut. As they demolish our estates to make for upmarket flats, centres of working-class culture

Students, Class and Wildcat Strikes: Why free education must have a basis in working-class struggle

Students, Class and Wildcat Strikes: Why free education must have a basis in working-class struggle

Reaching its second day on Friday, the wildcat strike and picket at the School of Oriental and African Studies was successful in putting further pressure on management to lift the suspension of union representative Sandy Nicoll. The suspension comes in response to Nicoll’s alleged support for the occupation there and its resilience against increasing repression

Greenwich: Pupils’ silent protest

Pupils at Blackheath Bluecoat, Greenwich, staged a silent protest on October 10th during a council staff visit against the proposed closure of the school due to government cuts. Gillian Palmer, Greenwich council’s director of children’s services who has approved the move, was met by a line of pupils who stood silently holding banners and placards

Student occupation of Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

Student occupation of Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

After the successful occupation of the George Square Lecture Theatre at the University of Edinburgh in protest at Scottish universities charging £9,000 in tuition fees, students occupied the prestigious Royal Conservatoire of Scotland (RCS) in Glasgow on Friday 23rd September. The action came after management decided to introduce the maximum charge for non-Scottish students to