Freedom News

Frestonia and Me

A former resident writes on their experience of the Free and Independent State of Frestonia, a unique 1977 rebellion in Kensington and Chelsea by a community which today is under threat from London’s rampant gentrification monster. Last month marked the 40th Anniversary of The Free and Independent State of Frestonia and as we celebrated, we

Last chance for squats in Holland and Switzerland

Two squats under attack from the authorities are mobilising to beat back the latest round of evictions on the European scene. Writing on Indymedia Netherlands, Bajesdorp in Amsterdam explained they are on the front line of a major redevelopment project due to be on the agenda of council meetings today, the ¨bestemmingsplan.¨ They said: Our

Book Review: Squatting in Britain 1945-1955

by Norman Spinrad ISBN: 978-1-60486-810-4 PP: 264 Publisher: The Merlin Press £16.99 After World War II, many people squatted empty properties, often government-owned ex-Army camps, since a housing crisis had been created as a result of the hugely damaged housing stock, slow state action to build new homes and a huge influx of returning servicemen as well

Shock eviction of Cornerhouse centre puts 20 people on streets

Homeless people rounded on Andy Burnham’s Labour administation in Manchester today after 20 people were rousted out of the well-regarded Cornerhouse squatted centre in an early-morning raid. Manchester Activist Network, which has been heavily involved in the space, said today they will be looking to hold highly-paid council bosses to account for promises made during

Hamburg mayor threatens radical sites as Berlin squat rallies against cop siege

Intense pressure is being put on German radical social centres in Hamburg and Berlin in the wake of last month’s G20 protests, with Hamburg’s mayor threatening Rote Flora and a round the clock siege of Teppichfabrik, which has prompted a solidarity rally in the capital today. The gathering, in front of the squatted centre in Berlin’s

The edge of precarity: Squatting in England and emergency crisis planning

In recent decades squatting has been under near constant assault from a variety of ruling class actors. In 2012 the Conservative/ Liberal Democrat government banned squatting in residential properties for the purposes of living. Councils, Conservative and Labour alike, treat squatters as a public health issues and pressure property owners to fast track evictions. The

Manchester’s self-organised homeless challenge Andy Burnham to join them

  Organisers at squatted former arts space Cornerhouse have called on new Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham to go a step further than simple charity donations and engage directly with homeless people in finding solutions to the city’s rough sleeping crisis. Cornerhouse, owned by Network Rail, has been occupied by homeless people and Manchester Activist Network (MAN) since January and