Freedom News

Argentina: Anarchist still missing after police raid against Mapuche activists

People were beaten, houses were burned, antique furniture burned, books were lost forever. Hurricane Gendarmerie went through the town of Cushamen last Monday causing devastation in the name of the Benetton fashion corporation, and one person is still missing — anarchist solidarity activist Santiago Maldonado. Santiago, who lives in El Bolson, is more usually seen in Rio Library

After G20, the repression: Tips and solidarity for the chased

Linksunten Indymedia issued a summary piece yesterday in support of people facing the upcoming crackdown against participants in the G20 protests in Hamburg earlier this month. We reproduce it in English here for broader uptake. Please note that legally this advice is aimed at people in Germany, but the security tips are applicable worldwide. Separately,

Gallery: Yarl’s Wood protests

Peter Marshall was at Yarl’s Wood this weekend and has kindly let us share his excellent photos of the day, which saw hundreds of people gathered as part of the campaign to shut the infamous migrant detention centre down. Over 400 women are detained in the facility, some of whom shouted “freedom” through the windows and can

Brazil’s criminalised social movements: 2013 never ended

Organisations across Brazil have hit out over the last few weeks over the ongoing criminalisation of social movements, in particular the long-running campaign of demonisation and legal gagging against activists from transport campaign Bloco de Luta and the MST landless movement. Based in Porto Alegre, Bloco del Luta has been facing heavy repression since its

South Africa: Durban and the rule of lies

Shack dwellers movement Abahlali baseMjondolo reports on the Bhambayi protests which have hit north Durban as the city’s new administration reverses solemn promises it made on the electoral trail to make reparations for the intense repression inflicted on Abahlali members. The anger of the poor can go in many directions. In local government elections [last year] those who have led

Repression in Russia and Spain spikes against anarchists

Two major reports from branches of the Anarchist Black Cross have provided insights into the impact of repressive measures being taken against anarchists in Russia and Spain under the guise of “anti-terror” strategies. In Russia, ABC Moscow has collated an overview of repressions from over the last year. Here in the prison I have started to feel

Peru: Homophobic rally confronted by LGBTI and anarchist groups

Tensions have been rising in Peru between an increasingly bold LGBTI movement and conservative groups in recent months, with the latest clashes happening on March 4th in the capital of Lima. The homophobic “Con Mis Hijos No Te Metas” march was primarily called by a number of reactionary Christian groups, including CONAPFAM, Water of Life, the

Belgrade Six finally cleared of terrorism after eight-year court battle

Serbian anarchists were celebrating yesterday as the Belgrade High Court finally cleared six people of trumped-up “international terrorism” charges after an eight-year legal battle. Belgrade’s Higher Court’s ruling means that members of Serbia’s Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative (ASI) and several other activists have been formally exonerated of guilt for an attack which took place against the Greek embassy