Freedom News

Canada: police and military to be banned from future events after protesters block Edmonton Pride Festival

Last Saturday Edmonton’s annual Pride Festival march was successfully blocked by protesters unhappy that  the police and military are allowed to join. The blockade, organized by a coalition of queer and trans people of colour and allies, lasted for more than half and hour after around 30 protesters formed a human chain at a road junction

Greece: police raid three anarchist squats in Athens

At early hours of Monday, a coordinated police operation to clear out three anarchist squats in central Athens has resulted in arrests and evictions of the properties. The three raided squats are Gare, Zaimi in Exarcheia and Matrozou. Matrozou residents have put up a fight, and as a result, 12 people were arrested and are

Russia: arrests and torture of anarchists and antifascists

Two people in St Petersburg and five in Penza (a city in western Russia) are under arrest, while many others have been connected to their cases as witnesses. The arrestees are charged with article 205.4 of the Russian Criminal Code: participation in a terrorist organisation. On January 24, 23-year-old antifascist Viktor Filinkov had disappeared at Pulkovo

Police Self-Investigators are Doorstepping Spycops Victims

This is a repost from Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance Once again, police self-investigations have been contacting activists who were spied on, asking for co-operation. The latest activity centres around Operation Sparkler/Operation Nitrogen, which is examining evidence that undercover police officer Bob Lambert planted incendiary devices in the Harrow branch of Debenham’s in 1987. Lambert was one of a group

1958: The Season of Goodwill

Ahead of Christmas, we reproduce the following historic seasonal Freedom article from nearly 60 years ago, comprised of a selection of small festive vignettes by Philip Sansom. Please note some of the language is dated — the main lesson here however is that the issues raised by Sansom (pictured above) at the time are decidedly