Freedom News

First Round to the Bar

So the Barristers Strike is off and all decent law breaking protestors can look forward to being sent down with the benefit of proper legal representation. There’s been a deal. But is the law book half open or half shut? “Result is in. The future of the criminal Bar now depends upon trusting this government.

Security staff at UCL to strike over pay as part of campaign against outsourcing

Yesterday, outsourced security staff at University College London (UCL) from the IWGB union voted unanimously to take strike action over pay and union recognition, part of a broader campaign to end exploitative outsourcing. Staff are demanding £15/hr, the same wage paid for their roles before outsourcing began 20 years ago, and union recognition. The IWGB

You can bury your monarch but you can’t bury the crimes of monarchy

Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor (known as Queen Elizabeth II outside of anarchist circles) has died at the age of 96. She will be remembered primarily for remaining quiet during the horrors committed in her name over her long reign. She came to the throne in 1952 at the age of 25. Educated by Eton’s Vice-Provost

Anarchist Bookfair today

Antiuniversity X Anarchist Bookfair in London 2022 Friends, comrades and co-conspirators, welcome to the 2022 Anarchist Bookfair in London. Once again, as part of Antiuniversity. The Bookfair is happening today, Saturday, 17th of September. It will be a day packed with Anarchist literature, books, zines, discussions, workshops, culture, mischief and shenanigans. The Bookfair itself will

Operation London Bridge

Whilst we rightly spend these days remembering how many people were brutally murdered under her sovereign command, spare a thought for those mourning the fact that they’ll never get to see Elizabeth’s head on top of a spike. This stupid island has basically been on a downward spiral ever since crocodiles inhabited Islington and now