Freedom News

Government quietly introduces new lockdown restrictions

Government quietly introduces new lockdown restrictions

At 11am yesterday (Wednesday 22.04.20), the government quietly tightened lockdown restrictions across England. The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 amends the previous statutory instrument (SI. 2020/350) that forms the legal basis for lockdown measures, most notably the restrictions on freedom of movement. As I have detailed previously in these pages, the legal

Travelling to the COP25 summit in Madrid? Make sure you know your rights

Travelling to the COP25 summit in Madrid? Make sure you know your rights

If you are planning to travel from Britain to protests at the United Nations COP25 climate change conference in Madrid, which begins next week, it is important that you know about the Spanish state’s approach to freedom of assembly and in particular the extremely draconian Basic Law for the Protection of Public Security (Ley Orgánica