Freedom News

London: callout for solidarity with Russian Anti-Fascists

We are an ad-hoc collective of anti-fascists in London who want to organise a solidarity event to support anti-fascists in Russia on 19th January. 19th January is a significant day for anti-fascist and anarchists as each year demonstrations are held to remember Russian comrades, the journalist Anastasia Baburova and lawyer Stanislav Markelov, who were murdered

Durham community group to prosecute coal company over habitat destruction

Campaign to Protect Pont Valley has launched a private prosecution against Banks Group for destroying the breeding and resting places of protected Great Crested Newts at Brooms Pond, on Bradley opencast coal site. The activists are currently crowdfunding to raise the money needed to bring Banks Group to justice. The controversial site lies adjacent to

The Unmasking Antifa Act: Behind the Mask of History

On the 86th anniversary of the Battle of Cable Street where anti-fascist Londoners fought and stopped fascists marching through the primarily Jewish section of East London, it’s important to know the history of anti-fascism and the current surge in fascism. In a recent interview with author and organizer scott crow on Tucker Carlson Tonight, Carlson

Statement from Brazilian Women Against Fascism Front UK

The presidential elections in Brazil are reaching its final stretch. The far right wing candidate Jair Bolsonaro, front runner in the first round of votes and favourite according to the recent pools for the second round, openly proposes an authoritarian and anti-popular programme for the country. Bolsonaro supports the military dictatorship that devastated Brazil for

New report highlights the scale of repressions against activists in Poland

Polish direct action group “Obywatele RP” (Citizens of Poland, ORP) released a report on repressions of activists taking action against the Polish government. According to the report, in the last 18 months, Polish authorities conducted 625 investigations and 449 interrogations, while Polish courts issued 333 judgements against the total of 526 peaceful protestors. Those numbers

Disabled People Against Cuts take action at Tory conference

Last Wednesday about 40 activists from Disabled People Against Cuts gathered to protest at the Tory party Conference and bring attention to the continuous attacks they have faced for the last 8 years. The activists came from many parts of the country including Brighton, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Bristol, Berkshire, London, Manchester, Norfolk, Northampton, Preston Stafford, Warwickshire,