Freedom News

Industrial decentralisation and workers’ control

This piece by Colin Ward is the text of a paper read to the anti-war Committee of 100 seminar at Kensington Central Library on November 20th, 1961. The seminar is a pilot course for the Committee’s “Schools for Non-violence.” THE COMMITTEE OF 100, in convening this series of meetings and in linking the current protests

When your neighbour is your jailer

In 2012 Theresa May announced the creation of the “hostile environment” for “illegal migrants.” This new policy framework has extended the powers of the Home Office to everyday life. Whilst immigration power has traditionally always been exercised at external borders, the multiplication of internal checkpoints has reached hospitals, jobs, homes, banks and any other service,

Louis Further: Notes From The US

Early one morning a dirty but originally silver oil tanker on the 405 freeway in Los Angeles, California, near the busiest traffic intersection in the world could be seen with this message painted on its oval back: John 3:18: Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already, because

Double book analysis: Peter Davison on George Orwell

In this review and analysis piece, Raymond S. Solomon discusses works by George Orwell and annotations by Peter Davison in two of the Orwell expert’s books, exploring the turbulent 1930s including issues around Palestine, the Spanish revolution, and the beating of Oswald Mosely’s British Union of Fascists. BOOKS REVIEWED Davison, Peter (ed.) (2013) George Orwell: A Life In

Crimethinc: A History of Anarchist Counter-Inaugural Protest

Thousands of protesters will stream into the streets of Washington, DC on January 20 to oppose the incoming presidency of Donald Trump. As they march, chant, unfurl their banners, and attempt to disrupt the inauguration, they step into a decades-long history of protests against the presidential spectacle. What follows is a history of anarchist counter-inaugural