Freedom News

Venezuela post-election unrest

The pro-Maduro left attributes internal problems to American sanctions, but it is impossible to ignore the loss of labour rights and persecution of social leaders

Book review: The Displaced

A poignant story of a couple struggling to understand each other with the backdrop of Europe as a crossroads

The colonial breach and the colonial bind

The ruse of international law has no means of ending the killing—Western states are supporting Israel to reassert their colonial agency From Interregnum Whatever the contentions on the term we use to express the scale and method of killing we are witnessing in Gaza, the description at the International Court of Justice as a ‘live-streamed

Whose lives matter (we who are darker than blue)

Palestine is burning. Ukraine is on fire. That’s just the facts. The genocide in Gaza and the constant siege Vladimir Putin is putting Ukraine under are worthy causes to shine a spotlight on. Both conflicts have involved the deaths of untold thousands. Journalists and aid workers alike have been the victims of senseless murder by