Freedom News

Organise or Starve: Life under lockdown in South Africa’s shackdweller movements

Abahlali baseMojondolo write on the solidarity being shown in the face of State and capital’s violence against impoverished South Africans. Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic social movements have been in the forefront of building networks of mutual aid and solidarity. In Brazil our comrades in the Landless Workers’ Movement, the MST, have already

South Africa: ANC deploys Apartheid-era tactics against land occupation

The eThekwini Municipality is expecting delivery of four Casspirs – armoured vehicles originally deployed during Apartheid to repress black communities, and now being used to repress political land occupations, reports Abahlali baseMjondolo. Last week the news was full of reports on the arrival of the arrival of three of the four Casspirs that have been

Wealth blinds our rulers to the truth about homelessness

Recently the National Audit Office (NAO) published a study which was of surprise to no-one — notwithstanding the blustering pretend humbug of neoliberals and Tories — showing that welfare cuts cause homelessness to rise. Not so long ago, this would have been a “well duh” report which would itself have risked being written off as