Freedom News

Uruguay: Trade Unionist Murdered by a Strike-breaker

Marcelo Silvera, the interim president of the Cargo Transport and Related Branches Union (SUTCRA) was murdered on the morning of 3rd January by a strike-breaker. On that day, a strike was in effect in a transport company Transportes Viana in the northern department of Rivera. Marcelo Silvera, while taking his young son to a doctor, noticed

Polish Government’s War on Women

October 2016 saw the largest strike by women in Polish history. In opposition to a proposed new law banning all abortions, 100,000 women took part in demonstrations across 147 cities and towns in Poland, with 30,000 attending a demonstration in Warsaw. For many, it was the first experience of protest in their lives, and 90%

Greece: Why strikes are hitting Lufthansa

Over the past few years, under the pretext of the so-called crisis, airlines operating in Greece have carried out a series of wage cuts and layoffs. These are the people who pay the price of the antagonism between multinational companies which have almost absolute control of the sector. The working conditions of wage slaves who continue to

Picturehouse strike on a high as it goes into day two

Following on from intimidatory efforts by bosses at Cineworld’s Picturehuse subsidiary, including redundancies which critics say seem aimed at scaring union organisers into silence, pickets are going strong tonight in the second day of strike action to win the London Living Wage and basic rights. The 12-month campaign has seen solidarity from all over the

Film: Picturehouse strike’s solid showing

Following the weekend’s cross-London strike over wages, union recognition and the recent suspension of reps organising staff, the following video was produced explainging some of the ongoing issues and what’s heppening on the picket lines. You can follow the various campaign pages at the following links: A Living wage for Hackney Picturehouse Staff A living wage

Mexico: General strike hitting retail transnationals today

Retail giant Walmart cut its “profit sharing” bonus for already low-paid staff by up to 80% this year despite record and growing profits — so today it and linked firms are facing a rebellion that’s gone nationwide. What has been described by local radicals as the “beginning of a new movement” first picked up on Sunday, when workers

Italy: Base unions to strike against destructive “good schools” law

A nationwide strike called by base unions against implementation of Law 107, better known as the “good school” law, is set to happen on Friday 17th. The education sector is already experiencing the devastating effects of reforms desired by the Renzi government and former education minister Stefania Giannini, extending the powers of principals, the introduction of the “merit award,” extensions

Striking cleaners picket in Paddington over rail dispute

Outsourced cleaners on First Great Western Railway (GWR) mounted a rowdy picket at 7am this morning to push for the firm to bring them in-house with parity of conditions with their colleagues. The staff, currently with Servest, have been in dispute for months with ballots for strike action being overwhelmingly supported in December. The union