Freedom News

Too soon, victory for the ZAD led to despair

In the 1970s the French government announced its next major airport expansion in Notre-Dame-des-Landes, Nantes. The 200-hectare site, projected to become the third largest airport in the country, represented a massive threat to the environment and drew significant opposition from locals and green campaigners. Defeated at the time, the project was resurrected in 2003 by

Anti-opencast campaigners speak out at abuse by police and bailiffs

Today, members of the now evicted ‘Pont Valley Protection Camp’, have reported ‘sexist’ and ‘abusive’ behaviour, threats of violence and a ‘dangerous lack of safety awareness’ on the part of police and enforcement officers (‘bailiffs’) charged with conducting the eviction of the camp on Thursday and Friday last week. The camp was a protest against

Mayday solidarity appeal by Russian anarchists

This is the Mayday appeal for solidarity with Russian anarchists persecuted by the state. The case was reported at Freedom News here and here. Dear comrades all over the world! We appreciate your support and solidarity and are very proud of it. Spreading the information, collecting money for legal expenses and, most important of all,

Spain: temporary end of the anarchist terrorism myth

After a total of 33 arrests, three years of investigation during which hundreds of documents were analysed,  house searches across the country, hours of phone conversations recorded, bank accounts frozen, and, worst of all, after subjecting some of the accused to months of imprisonment, Spain’s Audiencia Nacional tribunal has closed the legal proceedings and state

Russia: arrests and torture of anarchists and antifascists

Two people in St Petersburg and five in Penza (a city in western Russia) are under arrest, while many others have been connected to their cases as witnesses. The arrestees are charged with article 205.4 of the Russian Criminal Code: participation in a terrorist organisation. On January 24, 23-year-old antifascist Viktor Filinkov had disappeared at Pulkovo

Police Self-Investigators are Doorstepping Spycops Victims

This is a repost from Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance Once again, police self-investigations have been contacting activists who were spied on, asking for co-operation. The latest activity centres around Operation Sparkler/Operation Nitrogen, which is examining evidence that undercover police officer Bob Lambert planted incendiary devices in the Harrow branch of Debenham’s in 1987. Lambert was one of a group

Germany: Media firms hand unpublished G20 riot footage to cops

Just days after police raided dozens of properties nationwide it has emerged that Hamburg cops were given hundreds of gigabytes of raw footage by major media firms. The results of an information request made by sympathetic figures in the German Parliament suggests that a special “Black Bloc Commission” instituted to crack down on anarchists in