Freedom News

The fragility of the system

The Covid-19 pandemic has sparked widespread economic difficulty and societal issues, forcing States across the globe to act in accordance. With stock markets crashing, and state intervention rising, many observers praise the States of the world in their handling of the crisis. I have personally seen more people on social media than ever before comment

Anarchist farm: a revolutionary feast

Food — or the potential lack of it — has played on a lot of people’s minds lately. The government’s mixed-messages, misinformation and pointless power-play with regard to the coronavirus pandemic led to fear-induced panic-buying which highlighted the weakness of ‘just in time’ supply chains; which are, of course, designed to maximise profit rather than

Local councils are already trying to sabotage the mutual aid networks

With the UK’s Covid-19 situation worsening at an exponential rate, you’d have hoped local government officials spent their weekends productively: drafting up plans to suspend rent payments for council tenants, for example, and putting pressure on local landlords to do the same. After all, measures such as these would significantly help to limit the spread