Freedom News

West London ‘chokepoint’ blockaded by traffic pollution protesters

Following on from other recent confrontations with the London General Assembly over broken promises and weak responses to pollution, supporters of the Stop Killing Londoners campaign blockaded a major entry point into the capital several times during this morning’s rush hour. Approximately 20 activists wearing Santa Hats and tinsel blocked off Chiswick roundabout four times

Protest takes London Mayor to task on climate promises

Mayor’s Question Time was occupied by protesters this morning, who confronted Sadiq Khan for skipping out on election pledges to found a fuel energy utility for London and divest the city pension fund from fossil fuels. Around 50 people from groups including the Greater London Pensioners’ Association, Fuel Poverty Action and Switched On interrupted the

London Bookfair ‘won’t happen in 2018’

Following a confrontation at this year’s London Anarchist Bookfair sparked by two people handing out anti-trans leaflets, and a subsequent online firestorm, the Bookfair organisers have released two statements on what happened, announcing they will not be holding one in 2018. The decision ends a 34-year run for the event, which was the largest of

The edge of precarity: Squatting in England and emergency crisis planning

In recent decades squatting has been under near constant assault from a variety of ruling class actors. In 2012 the Conservative/ Liberal Democrat government banned squatting in residential properties for the purposes of living. Councils, Conservative and Labour alike, treat squatters as a public health issues and pressure property owners to fast track evictions. The

Social Centres update: Common house in trouble, Partisan nears opening

Radical social centres across Britain have run into financial issues recently, with business rates rises causing trouble for Larc in east London and the Cowley Club in Brighton this year. For the Common House however cash problems have followed on from the loss of their major funding grant — and they’re in dire need of