Freedom News

ANAL Belgravia squatters fight off fascist thugs

ANAL Belgravia squatters fight off fascist thugs

Belgravia squatters the Autonomous Nation of Anarchist Libertarians (ANAL) report that they fought off an attack on the 28th from heavies wearing fascist-linked masks, who seem to have been trying to get them out of the mansion belonging to Russian billionaire Andrey Goncharenko that they squatted on Wednesday. At the time of writing they are asking for

Anti-Fascist Network: National Action ban isn’t a positive development

Anti-Fascist Network: National Action ban isn’t a positive development

Following Monday’s government ban on National Action, the neo-Nazi former youth wing of the BNP, anti-fascists are warning that the measure won’t make a dent in the rise of far-right activity — but opens the door to similar measures against all political dissent. National Action, which worked under the slogan “Death to traitors, freedom for Britain,” infamously

Lyon anarchists rally against fascist thugs after bookshop attack

Lyon anarchists rally against fascist thugs after bookshop attack

Anarchists in Lyon have called a protest against fascist street-thuggery for Saturday November 26th, after an attack by around 20 fascists on La Plume Noir bookshop smashed windows and injured people defending the building. In a statement, members of the Coordination des Groups Anarchistes (CGA) said: “This attack is not an isolated act, it is part of the current rise in

The End of Dogma: #KeepCorbyn as a transitional demand.

The current crisis in the British establishment is an unprecedented one. The markets are in turmoil, the Tories are heading into a bitter leadership campaign and the Labour right have opportunistically moved to oust their leader. Anarchist responses to this have been varied with some, like Sabcat Publishing, calling to support Jeremy Corbyn. Others recognise

West Mids Antifa Collective On Britain First’s Vist To Coventry

West Mids Antifa Collective On Britain First’s Vist To Coventry

After a weekend that saw demonstrations and actions across the country, West Mids Antifa Collective presents a first hand account of the pro-Gaza and anti-Britain First action in Coventry on Friday, and give an insight into the way WMAC operate. Yesterday was both a success and a failure in many respects. For well over a month,

Anti-fascists win their case

Anti-fascists win their case

Nine political activists accused of conspiracy to commit violent disorder were all found not guilty at Blackfriars Crown Court on Monday October 3rd. It took less than an hour for the jury to return its verdict on all defendants after an exhausting three week trial costing hundreds of thousands of pounds. Freedom was present in court to