Freedom News

An anarchist open letter to our comrades about covid

An anarchist open letter to our comrades about covid

This story was first published in December 2023 [editor] I wrote a letter to my comrades the other day. They opened and read it; it said they were suckers. They wanted me to get infected or whatever. Picture me giving a damn; I said never  ~ Covi D Dear comrades We think you may have forgotten about us. Or,

The circled A at 60 part three: The true story

The circled A at 60 part three: The true story

The circled A is a symbol so widespread, so widely recognized and disseminated that it has come to be taken as a traditional symbol of anarchism, seeming to have existed forever. Some rumours trace its origin back to the Spanish Revolution: young anarchists are more accustomed to seeing a circled A than the clearly discernible

The circled A at 60 part two: True and false

The circled A at 60 part two: True and false

Despite well-documented evidence of its origin, numerous fanciful speculations persist, including within anarchist circles and many libertarian historiographies that explore the symbol’s origin. It’s essential to clarify that we are concerned with the history of an anarchist symbol rather than a specific design. While representations of the letter A enclosed within a circle have certainly

A prisons crisis, or an opportunity?

A prisons crisis, or an opportunity?

One of the more vexed questions in anarchist theory is “what do we do with all the criminals?” It’s had many different answers on offer over the years, from Kropotkin’s views on the roots of anti-social acts and possibilities for community rehabilitation, to modern ideas for non-”carceral” (locking people up) approaches to harm.  In fact

Prisoner solidarity has never been so important

Prisoner solidarity has never been so important

Yesterday saw the start of this year’s International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners (August 23rd-30th). The campaign is spearheaded by Till All Are Free aiming to highlight the plight of anarchist prisoners and to make sure our comrades sacrifice against the carceral state are not forgotten by those of us not yet ensnared by