Freedom News

South Africa: ANC deploys Apartheid-era tactics against land occupation

South Africa: ANC deploys Apartheid-era tactics against land occupation

The eThekwini Municipality is expecting delivery of four Casspirs – armoured vehicles originally deployed during Apartheid to repress black communities, and now being used to repress political land occupations, reports Abahlali baseMjondolo. Last week the news was full of reports on the arrival of the arrival of three of the four Casspirs that have been

Practices of Self-Organisation in 1980s South Africa

Practices of Self-Organisation in 1980s South Africa

In this transcribed talk, Russian academic Daria Zelenova explores the experiences of radical militants in 1980s South Africa and the implications of events from that time for contemporary protest. Her presentation was originally given at a workshop hosted by the International Labour Research & Information Group and the Orange Farm Human Rights Advice Centre in

The Way Forward for South Africa: Class Struggle and Anarchism

The Way Forward for South Africa: Class Struggle and Anarchism

In this article, published online by Zabalaza Anarchist-Communist Federation, Nkululeko Khubisa of the Tokologo African Anarchist Collective consisely considers the current situation in South Africa. South Africa is in a mess. That is clear, more than 20 years since the end of apartheid. We have won many things. It was our struggle that beat apartheid laws and

Durban: 67 years after Apartheid evictions, ANC violently attacks Cato Manor occupation

Durban: 67 years after Apartheid evictions, ANC violently attacks Cato Manor occupation

Two people have been blinded this week in violent reprisals from State and local ANC-linked thugs as they try to push land occupiers out of Cato Manor in Durban, South Africa. The relatively new occupation, organised with shackdwellers’ movement Abahlali baseMjondolo (AbM), has been shaken by the extreme violence, which saw Smiso Maphumulo shot in the eye

Arrests and tear gas as South African students protest for fee-free education

Organisers with the South African Fees Must Fall student movement are reporting police brutality and dozens of arrests at today’s March to Parliament for Free Decolonized Education – part of a nationwide series of protests under the Fees Must Fall banner calling for the decolonising of education, an end to outsourcing and the scrapping of historic debts.

Students, Class and Wildcat Strikes: Why free education must have a basis in working-class struggle

Students, Class and Wildcat Strikes: Why free education must have a basis in working-class struggle

Reaching its second day on Friday, the wildcat strike and picket at the School of Oriental and African Studies was successful in putting further pressure on management to lift the suspension of union representative Sandy Nicoll. The suspension comes in response to Nicoll’s alleged support for the occupation there and its resilience against increasing repression