Freedom News

Spycops Sexually Targeted Women From the Start

Over at least 25 years, a number of undercover police officers had entered into intimate relationships with members of targeted activist groups. Several women were deceived into having relationships with undercover cops. In some cases they proposed marriage or fathered children with protesters who were unaware their partner was a police officer.  Various legal actions followed,

Brazil: Neoliberal drift and repression of popular movements

José Luis Carretero Miramar writes on recent Brazilian state crackdowns against anarchists amid increasing fascist confidence, and how social movements are rising to meet it. The social and political situation in Brazil is increasingly compromised. Since Michel Temer’s ascent to power through an institutional and palatial coup the main BRICS representative in Latin America has

Catalonia: Calls for solidarity as general strike looms

Anarchists in Catalonia are backing a region-wide general strike for October 3rd and are calling for solidarity actions against the Spanish government as it brutally represses Catalan independence activists. The CNT anarcho-syndicalist union has agreed to join the strike as anarchists nationwide put up statements condemning Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy’s decision to send thousands

G20: A comrade writes from a Hamburg Prison

In the below passage, one of the people detained in Hamburg during July’s G20 Protests talks about his imprisonment, the incarceration system and other arenas where anarchists are facing State repression. It’s been almost a month-and-a-half since I was imprisoned during the 12th G20 summit in Hamburg, in a city that was besieged and taken

Durban: 67 years after Apartheid evictions, ANC violently attacks Cato Manor occupation

Two people have been blinded this week in violent reprisals from State and local ANC-linked thugs as they try to push land occupiers out of Cato Manor in Durban, South Africa. The relatively new occupation, organised with shackdwellers’ movement Abahlali baseMjondolo (AbM), has been shaken by the extreme violence, which saw Smiso Maphumulo shot in the eye