Freedom News

Swing sets and lock-ons: Fracking direct actions are kicking off

Swing sets and lock-ons: Fracking direct actions are kicking off

After a solid first day of blockading fracking suppliers at Carnforth in Lancashire with swings, a second eight-person lock-on at Preston New Road is keeping up the pressure on energy industry efforts to bring the dangerous and unpopular gas extraction method into mass production. The lock-on (pictured above) is aimed at disrupting efforts from frackers Caudrilla to build

Green groups unite against Aberthaw power station

Green groups unite against Aberthaw power station

Following a recent direct action campaign against Aberthaw coal-fired power station, Europe’s most heavily-polluting utility, campaigners are heading back again this weekend for a major demonstration calling for its closure. The protest is being backed by Reclaim the Power, United Valleys Action Group, Bristol Rising Tide and the Coal Action Network, which are calling for

Reclaim the Power: Cuadrilla’s assumption of victory is sheer arrogance

Reclaim the Power: Cuadrilla’s assumption of victory is sheer arrogance

Among the many attempted fracking projects being pushed forward in Britain this year, Preston New Road has been a site of particularly strong resistance. Site owner Cuadrilla, run by a former BP executive and backed by private equity giant Riverstone Holdings, has repeatedly tried to railroad communities into accepting the imposition of dangerous gas mining

Aberthaw: Dirty coal plant blockaded

Aberthaw: Dirty coal plant blockaded

Aberthaw coal-fired power station near Barry, South Wales was blockaded today by Reclaim The Power campaigners, who set up tripods on the road leading to the site. The plant is Europe’s dirtiest, and was fined earlier this year by the European Courts of Justice (ECJ) for breaching emissions limits after it put out more than

#Staygrounded at Heathrow – Reclaim the Power action at Heathrow

Hundreds of activists took part in a day of mass action on October 1st 2016 at Heathrow and its surrounds to protest against aviation expansion and to tax frequent flyers to encourage other means of transport that is more environmentally friendly. The mass day of action against airport expansion was organised by Reclaim the Power