Freedom News

Palestine Action smashes Teledyne’s weapons factory

Activists from Palestine Action have broken in to Teledyne Technologies’ weapons plant in Presteigne, Wales. Climbing in through smashed windows, activists began to thoroughly dismantle the factory of the American-owned firm, forcing closure of a site used to supply military hardware to Israel. Activists have taken apart offices, broken computers, and have begun occupation of the roof

Palestine Action disrupts exclusive arms industry dinner

While weapons industry representatives, government figures and other arms trade stakeholders convened in London for the TechUK’s ‘Defence Winter Dinner’, Palestine Action were busy adding themselves to the guest list. Six activists crashed the prestigious venue to disrupt the event and expose the guests facilitation of death and destruction in Palestine and elsewhere. Once inside

Elbit Systems UK fired from £280 million worth of Ministry of Defence contracts

Minister of State for Defence Procurement Alex Chalk has confirmed that Elbit Systems UK, a subsidiary of Israel’s largest arms company Elbit Systems LTD, has been forced out of lucrative contracts to deliver training for Dreadnought submarine and Royal Navy crews. The Ministry of Defence has ejected Elbit from a contract worth £160m to deliver

Palestine Action strikes Israeli weapons factory and its property agents

Palestine Action pulled alongside Elbit UAV Engines in Shenstone in a large van on Sunday 27th November. Activists leapt from inside the vehicle to begin spraying the building’s outer bricks with indelible ink, while the driver locked-on to the vehicle itself to hold the space for as long as possible and facilitate the action. Police

BREAKING: Judge throws out case against the Bristol 3 who shut down Israeli arms firm

Judge declares the activists NOT GUILTY and rules ‘no case to answer’ as Elbit failed to prove their activities were lawful. This morning, three activists appeared at Bristol Magistrates Court, Marlborough St, having been charged with aggravated trespass. The British state attempted to prosecute the trio in response to the successful occupation of Elbit System’s

Charges dropped for 5 Palestine Action activists – Elbit and CPS fail to convict once again!

Five activists have walked free after taking action to shut down Elbit’s military drone engine factory in Shenstone, Staffordshire. Due to an “unrealistic chance of conviction” their charges were dropped before a plea hearing due to take place today, with no further action against them after they shut down Elbit’s UAV Engines factory, used for

Palestine Action enacts daylight direct action at Israeli arms factory

On Sunday, activists once again targeted UAV Engines, the Elbit Systems subsidiary located in the sleepy village of Shenstone, Lichfield. The duo, equipped with repurposed fire extinguishers, drenched the facade of the Israeli weapons firm with blood-red paint, disrupting site operations at the factory. Both activists were arrested at the site, joining the hundreds who

Palestine Action’s “Elbit Eight” prepare for landmark court case against Israeli arms company

On October 10th, eight Palestine Action activists (including co-founders Huda Ammori and Richard Barnard) dubbed the ‘#ElbitEight’ will be facing trial at Snaresbrook Crown Court. The trial is expected to last five weeks and includes charges of burglary, criminal damage and blackmail, pertaining to actions spanning the first six months of Palestine Action. In this

Palestine Action scale trees & occupy the ground beneath to uproot Israel’s arms factory in Shenstone

Yesterday morning, Palestine Actionists set up a ground camp and scaled the adjacent trees, erecting unreachable hammocks overlooking UAV Engines Ltd — the Israeli drones factory that has rightly been a prime target for extensive action as part of the #ShutElbitDown campaign.  Activists have confirmed they plan to hold their positions, and will not leave