High Peak Steels regularly delivers steel to Elbit’s UAV Engines factory in Shenstone.
Palestine Action targets High Peak Steels

High Peak Steels regularly delivers steel to Elbit’s UAV Engines factory in Shenstone.
The group has pledged that ‘business-as-usual’ will continue to be disrupted until those targeted end their ties to the brutal colonisation of Palestine.
People across five cities in England rallied outside the respective offices of Fisher German to urge the property managers to evict Israeli-owned Elbit Systems.
Shutting down both Elbit’s Shenstone weapons factory and their Bristol Headquarters, Palestine Action is occupying the roof of UAV Engines Ltd. (UEL) and blockading the private road leading to Elbit’s HQ.
The Judge refused to allow any justification defences for the activists’ actions.
The two were acquitted as the Judge found their action was proportionate compared to the crimes against humanity they were acting to stop.
Palestine Action pulled alongside Elbit UAV Engines in Shenstone in a large van on Sunday 27th November. Activists leapt from inside the vehicle to begin spraying the building’s outer bricks with indelible ink, while the driver locked-on to the vehicle itself to hold the space for as long as possible and facilitate the action. Police