Freedom News

Liverpool anarchists launch hospitality sector campaign

Liverpool anarchists launch hospitality sector campaign

Anarcho-syndicalists in Liverpool linked to Liverpool Solfed have recently opened a new campaign to fight bad working conditions in the city’s hospitality sector, following on from similar successful efforts in Brighton. The group said in a launch statement: The hospitality industry, which includes workplaces like pubs, restaurants, hotels, canteens, etc. has an important presence in

Case study: A campaign over insecure work

Case study: A campaign over insecure work

Liverpool Solfed writes about its campaign against as the firm attempts to ape companies like Deliveroo and Uber in casualising jobs into a self-employed “gig economy” model At Easter, Liverpool-SolFed made a call out to protest against working conditions at Sandemans, a company which offers “Free Tours” in Liverpool and across Europe. “Free Tour” does not mean

Mooboo tea’s not-so-refreshing unpaid labour scam

Mooboo tea’s not-so-refreshing unpaid labour scam

Liverpool SolFed has signed up to the campaign against “bubble tea” specialist Mooboo ripping off free labour from hospitality workers. Here they explain the brouhaha. Unpaid trials in hospitality are often a way to get free labour in busy periods like weekends. It is too common to find restaurants offering unpaid trials every week or so. Mooboo, a company

Your guide to 2017 anarchist bookfairs in the British Isles

Your guide to 2017 anarchist bookfairs in the British Isles

Every year the anarchist movement has its biggest get-together at the London Anarchist Bookfair at the end of October. But there’s a lot of similar events going on between now and then, and we’ve done a roundup below so you’re never short of a book or two. April 29th: Cambridge Radical Bookfair Venue: Portland Arms, 129 Chesterton Road,

Case study: Wage theft at a Liverpool hotel

Case study: Wage theft at a Liverpool hotel

At the end of last month anarcho-syndicalist group Liverpool SolFed helped a worker on a precarious contract to force a prestigious Liverpool hotel to pay her wages they’d stolen. Her testimony below talks about the problems being faced by migrants in Britain today facing, alongside unscrupulous employers, a system of checks on everything from references to