Freedom News

Argentina: Worker-occupied Hotel Bauen gets ready to resist April 19th eviction

Argentina: Worker-occupied Hotel Bauen gets ready to resist April 19th eviction

Today marks 14 days to save Argentina’s famed worker-occupied building, after 14 years of continuous working for the community and providing jobs for 140 people. The building was taken over by its staff as part of the fábricas recuperadas movement during Argentina’s early 2000s financial crisis, as the original owners had dealt with their financial troubles

Case study: Wage theft at a Liverpool hotel

Case study: Wage theft at a Liverpool hotel

At the end of last month anarcho-syndicalist group Liverpool SolFed helped a worker on a precarious contract to force a prestigious Liverpool hotel to pay her wages they’d stolen. Her testimony below talks about the problems being faced by migrants in Britain today facing, alongside unscrupulous employers, a system of checks on everything from references to