Freedom News

HS2 Update: Resisting the tree thugs

HS2 Update: Resisting the tree thugs

With the exemption of construction from Covid safety measures throughout the early part of the crisis, environment protectors were forced to stay out and physically protect green spaces along the length of the planned high speed railway route. As economic activity has ramped up again this summer so has the amount of action being taken

Holding Space: Eviction Resistance at the squatted Hope and Anchor

Holding Space: Eviction Resistance at the squatted Hope and Anchor

Squatters in Mornington Crescent successfully resisted a second eviction attempt on Wednesday. In another show of strength and solidarity by London squatters, thirty to forty people turned out against the bailiffs. Banners were dropped opposing the Housing Bill and evictions ‘from London to Calais’ after the recent squat eviction in the French city. Security contractors