Freedom News

Refugee crisis: pushbacks from Slovenia

Refugee crisis: pushbacks from Slovenia

In their recently published reports, Slovenian organizations Amnesty International Slovenia and Legal Information Center for NGOs , confirm that since June 2018 refugees entering Slovenia are being systematically pushed back to Croatia and from there to Bosnia. People’s right to asylum is being systematically obstructed. These organizations conducted almost 100 interviews at the end of June

In or Out the ruling class will win and Fortress Europe will remain. Unless we dismantle it.

In or Out the ruling class will win and Fortress Europe will remain. Unless we dismantle it.

People in Britain will be given a mockery of choice in the upcoming European elections. If the Leave campaign wins, they will be faced with a repeal of worker’s and human rights, a good possibility of even more restrictions on union laws and less movement around the continent. Additionally the Conservatives and future governments may

December 14th: Call for Solidarity from Calais

December 14th: Call for Solidarity from Calais

From Calais Migrant Solidarity ‘They tried to bury us. They didn’t know we were seeds’ In recent months, from Ventimiglia to Calais, state violence has increased against those who travel without papers. We see this in the re-introduction of border controls in various states in the Schengen zone that (among other things) resulted in new