Freedom News

Protests as austerity rises in Dundee

Protests as austerity rises in Dundee

Dundee Against Austerity joined a protest picket line at Kings Cross Hospital yesterday against a wide range of austerity cuts which have been announced by both the local council and Tayside Health Board, which recently announced it had accrued a major budget deficit. The group reported: DAA introduced itself by handing out our leaflets and

Scotland: Action Against Austerity kicks off new campaign to protect welfare

Scotland: Action Against Austerity kicks off new campaign to protect welfare

Dozens of posters have appeared on Edinburgh’s Leith Walk insisting the Scottish government must stop the reassessment process being used against Disability Living Allowance claimants. The posters are part of a buildup towards a Week of Action which has been called by libertarian socialist-backed coalition Action Against Austerity from June 22nd-29th to demand Holyrood act to protect