Freedom News

Torture and one person missing: new wave of repressions against Russian anarchists

At early hours of Friday 1st February, Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) raided several flats in Moscow, arresting 10 people under “conspiracy charges”. All but one were released following “all day interrogations and physical tortures”. The person remanded in custody is a Moscow State University student Azat Miftahov who is accused of being a member

Event invitation: All London Antifascist Assembly

On the afternoon of 10th February, London Antifascist Assembly, with support from a number of other activist groups, will hold the first All London Antifascists Assembly. Here is the call-out for this event: You are invited to the first London Antifascist Assembly meeting to discuss a new mass anti-fascist co-ordination. In 2018 we saw reactionary

Ukraine: arrests and repressions of anarchists

This article was originally published in Ukrainian media outlet Zaborona. We translate it with their permission. In December 2018, Ukraine’s Security Services (SBU) conducted searches at the homes of seven anarchists. According to the activists, SBU officers forced two anarchists to sign a cooperation agreement, and one of the activists had her passport confiscated. Who

Electric shock is our way of doing things: investigation into Russian antifascist political prisoners

Between October 2017 and February 2018, the Russian security services tortured several Russian anarchists and anti-fascists as part of an investigation into alleged terrorism offences. As a result, eleven people in St Petersburg and Penza have been arrested and charged in the “Network” case. They are being detained awaiting trial in 2019. Those tortured have

Australian youth rise-up for climate justice

Students have been walking out of schools across Australia, highlighting Government failure to act in the face of potentially catastrophic climate breakdown. Started by School Strike 4 Climate Action, and supported by the Australian Youth Climate Coalition, young people are demanding climate justice and tougher, quick action on climate change. Organic conviction, born out of

Small is ugly: the uncomfortable anti-authoritarian micro-politics of egalitarian foragers

This text explores the problem of  emergence of authoritarianism within groups on the radical left. It is based on the reflections of participants from the Occupy ICE activist camp that was established outside the immigration centre in Portland, USA. Comparing the self-critical reflections of members of the camp with anthropological literature on actually-existing egalitarian societies