Freedom News

Small is ugly: the uncomfortable anti-authoritarian micro-politics of egalitarian foragers

Small is ugly: the uncomfortable anti-authoritarian micro-politics of egalitarian foragers

This text explores the problem of  emergence of authoritarianism within groups on the radical left. It is based on the reflections of participants from the Occupy ICE activist camp that was established outside the immigration centre in Portland, USA. Comparing the self-critical reflections of members of the camp with anthropological literature on actually-existing egalitarian societies

Texas: San Antonio Occupy ICE camp attacked by nazis

Texas: San Antonio Occupy ICE camp attacked by nazis

Yesterday morning the activists camping outside of ICE facilities in San Antonio, Texas, were attacked by neo-nazis from Patriot Front group. The camp was trashed, but fortunately nobody was injured. Patriot Front is a Texas-based white supremacist, neo-nazi association. About 15-people strong group, wearing blue shirts and white masks, ambushed the camp, shouting “strong borders,