Freedom News

From Acorns grow mighty tenants’ unions

Tenants’ union ACORN has been making a splash with a string of wins over rogue landlords and a striking growth rate, which has inspired Plan C Manchester to get involved. The group explains why in the post below, originally written for Plan C. Manchester Plan C is embarking on a year-long project to set up

An open letter to Plan C on Corbyn’s Labour

Plan C recently ran a series of articles about the libertarian left and the Labour Party under Corbyn, including three which were very pro engagement. In this rebuttal piece from longstanding Anarchist Federation members Nick Heath and Bonnie VandeSteeg they make the counter-argument that Corbyn offers nothing new to revolutionaries, and indeed presents a threat to living

SOAS occupiers ramp up the noise as bosses squirm at cuts talks

Students who have occupied the directorate building at SOAS for the last 11 days against attacks on staff jobs at the university’s Refectory are following up a big rally held yesterday with a revolutionary fiesta tonight, keeping up pressure on administrators. Yesterday’s event saw students and catering workers joined by the IWGB, which has itself been organising

France and the Deliveroo ridearound

In France the wildcat strike is certainly the most popular method of protest against Deliveroo, although it is not always the most effective. Riders typically make lists of varying demands, and the company normally reacts by addressing only one or two of the several problems listed — and this is exactly what they have done in

Corporate Watch: Tough on bosses, tough on the causes of bosses

Corporate Watch looks back at some of its history in this interview with Freedom Press  How did CW originally get together? Corporate Watch grew out of the anti-roads direct action movement of the 1990s – the same handful of companies kept turning up, and everyone needed information about who these companies were, how they operated

Educate! Agitate! ORGANISE!

Jonathan Bigger brings us the lead piece from the first Freedom news freesheet, explaining Anarchists’ hesitation over large bureaucratic unions and how we can organise ourselves and our workspaces to create the most effective forms of direct labour action…   There are still calls within the British trade union movement for a one day “general