Freedom News

Second day of violence as Cuadrilla lashes out at anti-fracking protectors

As a blockade against fracking in Lancashire continues to block roads and hinder operations the gloves seem to have come off from gas mining firm Cuadrilla, with its security team being accused of attacking protectors for the second day running. Early reports from today’s anti-fracking protests at Preston New Road, Lancashire, suggesting that private security guards are injuring people who

Anti-fracking fort evicted after eight months of resistance

After a 42-hour struggle against security firm Specialist Group International the occupation of Leith Hill by anti-fracking protectors is over, campaign group Reclaim The Power reports. The Leith Hill occupation site lasted almost eight months in total and the firm, hired by fracker leaseholders Europa and supported by police, finally removed five protectors who had held

Swing sets and lock-ons: Fracking direct actions are kicking off

After a solid first day of blockading fracking suppliers at Carnforth in Lancashire with swings, a second eight-person lock-on at Preston New Road is keeping up the pressure on energy industry efforts to bring the dangerous and unpopular gas extraction method into mass production. The lock-on (pictured above) is aimed at disrupting efforts from frackers Caudrilla to build

Ahead of another summer of climate disasters, let’s talk about real solutions

In cooperation with CrimethInc., we present a short text from Peter Gelderloos exploring why the strategies that mainstream environmental movements are currently employing to halt industrially-produced climate change are failing—and what we could be doing instead. For a more detailed engagement with these questions, we recommend Peter’s new book, The Solutions are Already Here: Strategies for Ecological Revolution from Below.*