Freedom News

Construction rank and file to protest at Atomic Weapons Establishment in de-skilling dispute

Construction rank and file to protest at Atomic Weapons Establishment in de-skilling dispute

Since early March, rank-and-file sparks (electricians) have been holding regular actions targeting construction companies Balfour Beatty and NG Bailey. The dispute started with those companies attempting to bring in workers without sufficient training to carry out electrical work on the Hinkley Point C nuclear reactor, and it now looks set to spread to another part

Hidden exposures: coercion and COVID-19 in the office

Hidden exposures: coercion and COVID-19 in the office

George, 24, is having to go to work at a small London office during the pandemic, despite being able work from home. “The whole thing is to stay home, save lives…We are laughing in the face of that,” he says. There have been more than 3,700,000 cases and over 100,000 Covid deaths in the UK.

Spain: striking field workers call for solidarity

Spain: striking field workers call for solidarity

On 14th January, the workers of the British company Fresh Tom Export in Almería (South Spain), a vegetable grower and trading company specialising in tomato crops, decided by almost unanimous vote to go on indefinite strike. On Tuesday 19th January, the workers started the strike officially and it has been massively followed since then. The

Interview with the team behind

Interview with the team behind

We have to work most of our lives. Our efforts, time, ideas, successes and failures are compressed into rubles, dollars and euros – impersonal banknotes, which are constantly lacking to fulfill our desires and needs. Typically, work is fraught with wage delays, employers’ machinations, nervousness and humiliation from idiotic rules and bosses fooling around. (