Activists stormed iO Associates’ new offices in Manchester City Centre to demand the company stop recruiting for Elbit Systems UK.
Activists storm Elbit’s recruiters’ office

Activists stormed iO Associates’ new offices in Manchester City Centre to demand the company stop recruiting for Elbit Systems UK.
The two were acquitted as the Judge found their action was proportionate compared to the crimes against humanity they were acting to stop.
It is the first part of a series of actions expected by the new “Palestine Action Underground”, made up of autonomous groups across the country
U-TacS is majority owned by Israel’s largest weapons firm, Elbit Systems.
Palestine Action drove a car through the inner perimeter of Leicester’s Israeli drone factory, UAV Tactical Systems (U-TacS), blockading the only entrance for the site.
[ID: A woman is locked on in a car and gives the peace symbol while surrounded by cops outside the gates of Elbit’s weapons factory]
The siege action began on May 1st 2023, and since then the site has seen severe disruption and an outpouring of community support.
Palestine Action have shut down the premises and operations of ADS Group, representatives and advocates of the world’s largest arms dealers. ADS’ business is the promotion of companies such as Elbit Systems within government and at arms fairs. Acting to facilitate the business of Israel’s largest weapons company – and promoting them with lobbying –
Palestine Action snuck their way into Canary Wharf’s East Wintergarden, to crash the ‘Make UK National Gala Awards’ Ceremony, humiliating Elbit Systems and their accomplices where they least expected it. The event celebrates the worst of Britain’s military-industrial-colonial complex, hosting a number of Israel-supplying arms companies, but chief among them was Elbit Systems. Elbit Systems,