Freedom News

Palestine Action crash Make UK’s engineering awards 

Palestine Action crash Make UK’s engineering awards 

Palestine Action snuck their way into Canary Wharf’s East Wintergarden, to crash the ‘Make UK National Gala Awards’ Ceremony, humiliating Elbit Systems and their accomplices where they least expected it. The event celebrates the worst of Britain’s military-industrial-colonial complex, hosting a number of Israel-supplying arms companies, but chief among them was Elbit Systems. Elbit Systems,

Palestine Action Scotland occupies roof of Leonardo arms factory in Edinburgh

Palestine Action Scotland occupies roof of Leonardo arms factory in Edinburgh

Palestine Action Scotland have shut down the Edinburgh factory of Leonardo UK, occupying the roof of the site forcing its closure and preventing the operations of a company deeply complicit in the brutalisation and murder of Palestinians. At 5:00am this morning, four activists entered the site, despite the high security and double fence, and have