Freedom News

ICE and the Impact on Communities of Colour

ICE and the Impact on Communities of Colour

In the last 20 months of the Trump administration, we have seen a continued targeting of communities of color throughout the United States. Trump and his administration of white supremacists have demonstrated that they will work tirelessly to make good on the campaign promises that galvanized much of the conservative base, from the U.S./México border

FRONTEX heralds better border control as reducing migration to a “manageable” level while giving a tacit nod of approval to sadistic policies

FRONTEX heralds better border control as reducing migration to a “manageable” level while giving a tacit nod of approval to sadistic policies

In a report released on 7th August, FRONTEX adulated at the decrease of “migration flow” from the end of 2015 until now. The publication cites the closure of the route in 2016 as being a key component in the decrease of migration, as well as crediting enhanced security measures at EU borders with Serbia, translating

Italian and Polish neo-nazis join forces to patrol beaches to “protect women from migrants”

Italian and Polish neo-nazis join forces to patrol beaches to “protect women from migrants”

The members of Italian far-right party Forza Nuova (FN), in coalition with Polish neo-nazi group National Radical Camp (Obóz Narodowo-Radykalny, ONR), launched beach patrols in order to “protect women and children from migrants” in the Italian town Rimini. Additionally, the fascists intend to conduct separate patrols in the town, against “migrant drug dealers”. The first

Polish Embassy in London support of far right groups

Polish Embassy in London support of far right groups

CONTENT WARNING: racism The Polish Embassy in London, using funds from Poland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, sponsored at least one event organised by Polish nationalists in the UK. The group receiving cash from Polish state is “Independent Poland”: and extreme right-wing organisation, which, until very recently, declared on their Facebook page that its main aim

Film Review: Detroit

Film Review: Detroit

The misnamed film “Detroit” is more about a triple slaying by police than the city’s 1967 Rebellion. Director: Kathryn Bigelow Released August 2017 143 min Reviewed by William Boyer It first opened in the Motor City in July, and then nationwide 50 years to the day of the final riot fatality, a firefighter electrocuted trying to

Victory for anti- gentrification campaigners in Elephant and Castle

Victory for anti- gentrification campaigners in Elephant and Castle

Plans to regenerate Elephant and Castle Shopping Centre and surrounding areas by development firm Delancey were halted by the council Planning Committee late yesterday night. After 7 hours of discussion, Southwark Planning Committee voted 4 against 3 to reject application for redevelopment. Now committee will meet again on 30th January to vote again for the

1958: The Season of Goodwill

1958: The Season of Goodwill

Ahead of Christmas, we reproduce the following historic seasonal Freedom article from nearly 60 years ago, comprised of a selection of small festive vignettes by Philip Sansom. Please note some of the language is dated — the main lesson here however is that the issues raised by Sansom (pictured above) at the time are decidedly