Freedom News

Sodexo offices occupied following infant death in HMP Bronzefield

Sodexo offices occupied following infant death in HMP Bronzefield

This morning members of Community Action on Prison Expansion occupied the London office of Sodexo, the company which runs HMP Bronzefield, where a new-born baby tragically died after their mother was left to give birth alone in her cell on 27th September. Whilst the government has announced it will conduct investigations into the violent neglect

Anti-prison expansion activists halt construction of HMP Wellingborough for second consecutive Friday

Anti-prison expansion activists halt construction of HMP Wellingborough for second consecutive Friday

Protesters attached themselves to PVC pipes and blockaded the entrances to the construction site of the new HMP Wellingborough mega-prison, bringing construction works conducted by Kier Group to a halt for the second consecutive Friday. The multi-week campaign aims to stop the government’s massive prison expansion project and dissuade private companies, like Kier, from taking government contracts

Protesters occupy HMP Wellingborough construction site

Protesters occupy HMP Wellingborough construction site

Protesters occupied the construction site of HMP Wellingborough for 6 hours on Friday, successfully halting its work. The work is conducted by a construction, services and property group Kier. The direct action took place during a demonstration against the HMP Wellingborough development, which saw anti-prison expansion activists from across the country gathering to oppose the

Protesters target Kier due to profit from the construction of new mega-prisons across the UK

Protesters target Kier due to profit from the construction of new mega-prisons across the UK

Last Friday afternoon, protestors occupied the lobby of Kier; the company contracted to build a new mega-prison in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire Prison abolitionist protest group, Community Action on Prison Expansion (CAPE), is turning attention to the private companies set to profit from increased rates of incarceration amidst the biggest prison expansion project in generations. They are

Women’s Strike: 50 activists occupy Ministry of Justice to protest against transphobic measures to segregate incarcerated trans women

Women’s Strike: 50 activists occupy Ministry of Justice to protest against transphobic measures to segregate incarcerated trans women

As part of international protests connected to the Women’s Strike, a group of 50 trans activists and their allies have occupied the Ministry of Justice on International Women’s Day to express grave concern about government plans to move trans women to men’s prison estates and to open segregated wings for trans women at HMP Downview.

Prison Island: A new report on prison expansion in England, Wales and Scotland – out now

Prison Island: A new report on prison expansion in England, Wales and Scotland – out now

In August Corporate Watch, a not-for-profit co-operative that researches the social and environmental impact of capitalism, released their latest report on prison expansion in England Scotland and Wales: Prison Island. Now physical copies of the report are available to buy from Freedom Bookshop and from Corporate Watch’s website. Find out more about the report below