Freedom News

An open letter to Plan C on Corbyn’s Labour

An open letter to Plan C on Corbyn’s Labour

Plan C recently ran a series of articles about the libertarian left and the Labour Party under Corbyn, including three which were very pro engagement. In this rebuttal piece from longstanding Anarchist Federation members Nick Heath and Bonnie VandeSteeg they make the counter-argument that Corbyn offers nothing new to revolutionaries, and indeed presents a threat to living

Protests and occupation in Glasgow and Edinburgh attack Scottish housing troubles

Protests and occupation in Glasgow and Edinburgh attack Scottish housing troubles

Two protests in Scotland’s biggest cities today have highlighted the damaging impacts on homelessness of the Benefits Cap and Glasgow Council’s failure to deal with its rough sleeping problems. In Edinburgh, an Our Welfare-called rally saw campaigners occupy Edinburgh Council’s city meeting chambers singing “we shall not be moved” in support of 11 families, including 42 children who

We must end the toffsplaining of capitalism

We must end the toffsplaining of capitalism

The UK leaving the European Union naturally dominates the news in Britain. At some point in the not-too-distant future the debate on a whole range of issue is going to shift. The ills of the modern world will no longer be seen as being caused by the undemocratic bureaucrats of Brussels or by immigrants. The