Freedom News

Lost on the lane to love? AAA’s offering a unique space to talk

Previously called #NHS4lefties, Anarcho Agony Aunts is a live-streamed relationship advice show featuring awkward questions and the hosts’ self-deprecating answers, all under the umbrella of radical feminism and anti-fascism. Hosts Rowan and Marijam are attempting to reclaim space from the alt-right in giving people (mostly men) a space to ask tricky questions in a judgment-free

Podcast Review: Talking Shop

In this first review-roundup, Fingers Malone picks out some of the best podcast listening for anarchists. Top suggestion today is an offering from the syndicalist union IWW — Talking Shop. The new IWW podcast Talking Shop covers workplace organising and the changing terrain of struggle at work. It can be found, alongside other bits and

A-Infos: The original anarchist newswire

At around the same time as Schnews was setting up its soon to be famous freesheet in 1994, before the advent of modern social media, a group of anarchist organisations across the world (including Freedom Press), took steps towards creating an anarchist newswire — a-infos. Andrew Flood looks back at the project, which still runs

Interview: The anarchists of Chile

In a new initiative designed to give an overview of the balance of libertarian socialism in the Americas, the Black Rose Federation has conducted a series of round table interviews, the first of which sees them talk to Juan and Pablo about their involvement in anarchist group Solidaridad. Enrique Guerrero-López (EGL): Can you introduce yourself,

Interview: Frank Fernandez on Cuban anarchism

In 1999 Canadian author Larry Gambone talked to Fernandez, writer of the seminal book on Fidel Castro’s destruction of Cuba’s anarchist movement, about how the regime maintained itself and on libertarian struggles in the country. This article is taken from the May 15th 1999 issue of Freedom Newspaper, and elements are no longer relevant, but it offers

On anarchist economies

Anarchism is generally not associated with economics — and Iain McKay argues that perhaps it’s time the field got more attention. There is no “anarchist” school of economics as there are “Marxist,” “Keynesian” and so on. This does not mean there are no anarchist texts on economics. Proudhon springs to mind here, with his numerous