Freedom News

Notes from the US: Repression

February 16th: Within days, the governors of half of the states in the U.S.

Solidarity across borders with the Budapest antifascists!

January 14th: While the European Union is considering putting antifascist groups on the list of those designated as terrorists, two comrades have been in prison in Hungary since February 2023.

Ongoing: Turkey launches Christmas Day attack on North and East Syria

December 26th: First reports already spoke of 13 wounded and 8 martyred

Notes from the US: Falling apart

December 19th: At this point in the history of the U.S.

Argentina election: Does Milei differ from other neo-liberals?

December 10th: State and populist Nationalism are not two opposing positions but rather two sides of the same coin with which Capital alternates its governance.

El Hiblu 3 to face terrorism charges

December 6th: Amara Kromah, Abdul Kader, and Abdalla Bari took control of the oil tanker El Hiblu 1 when it became clear that the crew wanted to return them to Libya illegally.

Notes from the US: “MAGA Is Ascendant”

November 16th: Reason is missing.

The new structure of Zapatista autonomy

November 15th: Following their statement dissolving their autonomous government, the Zapatistas have released another statement:

By defending the squats, we defend the movement against the rotten world of authority

October 25th: From the ashes of Evros, central Greece and Rhodes to the mud of the valley.

Illegal pushbacks cause more Aegean deaths

October 21st: Many will try to make another journey, risking their lives again to reach safety.